The Summit of the Future is a two-day event on September 22 and 23 that marks the opening of the United Nations General Assembly and High-Level Week. It is billed as a “once-in-a-generation” opportunity to revitalize the UN and multilateralism during a time of great global turmoil, aiming to restore trust in international cooperation as a means of solving common global challenges. While this may sound impractically idealistic, the Summit itself is the culmination of years of discussions, negotiations, and diplomacy around concrete policies and proposals intended to bring about specific reforms to the UN that would make it more responsive to future global challenges.
Our “To Save Us From Hell” podcast episode today is devoted entirely to the Summit of the Future and some of the specific UN reforms on the table. Co-hosts Anjali Dayal and Mark Leon Goldberg have an in-depth conversation with the Stimson Center’s Richard Ponzio about the significance of the Summit of the Future and what to expect from the Summit’s three major outcome documents.
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Everything You Need to Know About the Summit of the Future