Global Dispatches
To Save Us From Hell
Everything You Need to Know About the Summit of the Future

Everything You Need to Know About the Summit of the Future

The Summit of the Future is a two-day event on September 22 and 23 that marks the opening of the United Nations General Assembly and High-Level Week. It is billed as a “once-in-a-generation” opportunity to revitalize the UN and multilateralism during a time of great global turmoil, aiming to restore trust in international cooperation as a means of solving common global challenges. While this may sound impractically idealistic, the Summit itself is the culmination of years of discussions, negotiations, and diplomacy around concrete policies and proposals intended to bring about specific reforms to the UN that would make it more responsive to future global challenges.

Our “To Save Us From Hell” podcast episode today is devoted entirely to the Summit of the Future and some of the specific UN reforms on the table. Co-hosts Anjali Dayal and Mark Leon Goldberg have an in-depth conversation with the Stimson Center’s Richard Ponzio about the significance of the Summit of the Future and what to expect from the Summit’s three major outcome documents.

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Global Dispatches
To Save Us From Hell
“The United Nations was not created in order to bring us to heaven, but in order to save us from hell,” Dag Hammersjkold told us some 60 years ago. To Save Us From Hell is a podcast that discusses the players and debates raging at the UN to keep us from that fiery furnace.
Each week, UN Dispatch editor-in-chief Mark Leon Goldberg and International Relations Scholar Anjali Dayal give critical analysis of the United Nations, as well as break down the latest news from Turtle Bay. From shenanigans at the Security Council to the UN’s life saving humanitarian work around the world, two veteran UN watchers dissect the key debates driving the agenda at the UN and uncover geopolitical intrigues along the way.
To Save Us from Hell provides in-depth, accessible, and timely takes on the United Nations and its activities around the world. Whether you work for the UN, adjacent to the UN, or are simply curious about how the United Nations operates in this chaotic world our expert co-hosts will keep you up-to-date about all things United Nations.